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"Music: Breath of the statues. Perhaps: Silence of images. Your language where languages end" - Rainer Maria Rilke

Dion Nijland

I studied double bass at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam and graduated in 1999.
At this moment I’m part of the following groups: Dimami, De Bende van Drie,HOT, VANBINSBERGENPLAYSTATION, De Algehele, The Chronometers Orchestra, Talking Cowsand Timon Koomen’s 4tet. Rehearsing, playing, talking, thinking and composing are the creative and practical activities that fill a large part of my time.
But since you’re here now, I’m happy to give you some of the highlights:

  • De Bende van Drie is working on a performance called Men on Wire. Onno van Swigchem composed music and Miranda van der Spek made video’s. Putting them together is a kind of magic.
  • In 2012, Talking Cows released their critically acclaimed CD Almost Human.
  • 2011 Dimami released their collabaration-cd with trombone player Joost Buis and played at 12 jazz venues in The Netherlands.
  • In 2011 I was Musician in Recidence at JIN in Nijmegen.
  • With Spinifex I toured through India in 2011 & 2012
  • In 2007 I was Artist in Residence at SJU in Utrecht
  • In 2006, Dimami took part in The Young VIPs Tour with, among others, Anton Goudsmit of the New Cool Collective and in 2015 the band is celebrating it’s 15th anniversary!
In 2006 I took part in the Oostpool Theatre Group production of Brel, featuring Jeroen Willems in the title role. In 2007 I played in the musical theatre production Pushkin Paradise, also by Oostpool and in 2009 participated in the dance performance Ghost Note by Station Zuid.
Because my musical path has brought me to quite some places en and connected me to a lot of musician I’d like to mention a few: Vera Westera, Caroline Lobanov, Mischa van der Wekken, Anton Goudsmit, Ernst Glerum, Friedmar Hitzer, Pieter Klaassen and Oleg Fateev.
As a teacher I’m coaching and conducting two amateur groups: Donderd’s Band and Jazzmée. I give workshop in several cities in The Netherlands. At ArtEZ I teach double bass since March 2014.  The best introduction I can give you is by showing myself.

Featured on

Butter Bei Die Fische | Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 105
Red Hering
Tales Without Words
VanBinsbergen Playstation
VanBinsbergen Playstation